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Hi! Thanks for visiting E. Lundberg! So, what's my story? Well, let's go back to 2020 when the COVID-19 Pandemic hit.  Realizing I had a lot of down time, I decided to see if I could create anything from the fallen trees on my New Jersey property. My first piece was a bowl and I immediately became hooked to sticking to that theme. Bowls?.........YESSSS!

Most of the pieces are hardwood - oak, birch, ash, etc.

The designs are rustic and simple. Each piece has its own style. They will have scratches, cracks, warping, holes and burrows from insects or other external elements!

You may also be thinking if I'm from New Jersey, whats the deal with the Swedish flag and mountains on my logo? Simple. "Lundberg" is Swedish, composed of the elements lund 'grove' + berg 'mountain'. I am proud of my heritage and have incorporated it to my brand.


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